6 Core Values
If you want to zero in on the heartbeat of a church, observe the values they truly hold. The following 6 values are the "hills we die on" & they represent the unique DNA of our culture.
the following represents the unique DNA of our church...
Worshiping God is a Big Deal
Through worship, we respond to God by declaring who He is and what He’s done for us. We make it a priority to publicly worship together each week, and to personally worship through daily actions devoted to God.
All people matter to God
Every person is created in God’s image and has immense worth and unique purpose. Because every person matters to God they matter to us, regardless of how they look, what they believe, or what they’ve done.
It's OK to not be OK.
We don’t expect people to come through our doors having it all together. Life throws some tough things our way, and we believe God meets us in the midst of the mess if we’re willing to admit we need help.
We are blessed to bless.
God is abundantly generous, and He blesses us so we can be a blessing to others. Whether it’s sharing the gospel, giving our resources, or using our abilities to help others, Crossroads is a group of generous people.
We become more like Jesus together.
We are not meant to live a life of faith alone. We cannot fully develop into who Jesus wants us to be by ourselves. We believe spiritual growth best happens in a group where we can encourage and challenge each other.
(Matthew 28:19-20)

We build faith at home.
Did you know there are 168 hours in the week? If we only focus on Jesus for one hour every Sunday, we are sorely missing out. We believe the home is where faith is best built and lived out. Crossroads partners with every home to make the most of the other 167 hours of the week.
(Deuteronomy 6:1-9)