Mission Trips

Dominican Republic

Love To Quisqueya ministers to people of all ages in the Dominican Republic. From working with local churches, to leading Bible School classes, to caring for residents' physical needs, your team will engage with many parts of the Dominican culture while sharing the truth and love with Jesus. You’ll have time to work, play, reflect, and appreciate all the beauty from the mountains to the beaches. Through your work and interaction, you will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges facing these communities as well as work alongside our mission partners to share Christ with the nation.

  • Summer trips (1 week)
  • Low/Moderate physical work
  • Focus: Evangelism, Discipleship, At Risk Communities
  • Family Friendly



While Jamaica is often remembered as a vacation destination, much of the island is far from vacation living. The combination of tropical storms, rugged terrain, and poverty has made adequate housing difficult to come by. During the week that you are there, your team will complete a home for a family in need from start to finish. The workload is hard but the panoramic views, the Jamaican culture, and most importantly, the relational impact you’ll make this week leave a lasting impact on the community and the visitors.

  • Spring or Fall trips (1 week)
  • Mild/High work
  • Focus: Housing, At Risk Families, Discipleship
  • Adults or capable teenagers accompanied by a parent.



Crossroads has partnered with Casa Bernabe Ministries in Guatemala for decades. While the scenic views of Guatemala are beautiful, the people of this Central American nation face many hardships. The lack of many resources has caused great hardship for many families. Casa Bernabe is a Christ-centered residential facility for at-risk children, that stands in the gap for children of all ages. You’ll work and engage directly with leaders, house parents, and children of all different ages and backgrounds. From helping around the grounds, leading bible school lessons, and having fun with kiddos who will be so grateful you’ve come to be with them!

  • Summer or Fall trips (1 week)
  • Low/Moderate physical work
  • Focus: Vulnerable Children
  • High School age and up



Despite its magnificent rolling hills of forest and farmland, Uganda faces many significant social and economic challenges. Much of Uganda lacks clean water, access to quality healthcare, malnutrition, and adequate skills training. With a large emphasis on helping the Kyenjojo District of Western Uganda, your team will work to help the vulnerable members of society. Trips will help in the fields of farming, education, health and nutrition, and housing. In addition, your team will work with widows and orphans to help them elevate themselves spiritually, socially, and economically by continuing to develop ways to provide for themselves and their families.

  • Spring Break or Fall trips (12-14 days)
  • Moderate work
  • Focus: Healthcare and Nutrition, Farming, Education, Orphans and Widows, Evangelism, Discipleship
  • Adults


North Central Indiana

You don’t have to sit back and wait to get in the game. Our community has an amazing selection of ministries and organizations to help neighbors in need. If you need assistance or recommendations to help find a place to serve “near,” we would love to help.

  • All year long
  • Wide ranges of work
  • Focus: meeting needs in our community and surrounding areas
  • Serving opportunities for any age



Short and Sweet Headlines are Best!


Big Words

Short and Sweet Headlines are Best!


For more information, please contact us today!