How would our community change if each person at Crossroads was fiercely kind for 40 days?

Serve Day
October 29th
We are making a churchwide effort to serve our community on Saturday, October 29th. Mark your calendars and start praying about how you might serve your neighbors with intentional kindness in tangible ways! Below are a few suggestions of ways you can create a serve day project with your family or small group:
- Clean your neighbors gutters
- Mow the yard and rake leaves for a family
- Play board games at a nursing home near you
- Hand out water at the soccer fields
- Wash windows at the home of someone who might not be able to
- Prepare and serve a meal for public servants: A fire dept, police officers, teachers
- Go visit an extended family member who may not get much company
- Bake and deliver some sweets to all of your neighbors
- Wash cars in your neighborhood
- Offer to go help clean someone's home
Stumped? Question? Feel free to email kindness@ecrossroads.org.
What is Fierce Kindness?
Fierce Kindness is a churchwide 40-day focus meant to challenge us to "learn it" and "live it out" in our daily lives.
Why must kindness be fierce?
It seems like most people have an over-inflated idea of how kind they are to others. Or they have an underwhelming view of what kindness really is and does in the world around us. We want to learn how to be kind like Jesus and demonstrate this fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Because we think it is potent for our time. In fact, we think it can change the world.
This kindness isn't a whimpy sort of kindness. This kindness is aggressive, robust, and outgoing. It dares to step out, and laughs at awkwardness and fear. If we ever want to touch the brokeness of our world, it will require a fierce kindness that overflows from the heart.
What is the goal?
Beginning September 18th, we are making a coordinated effort to transform our community with intentional acts of kindness.
We're asking the question: In the midst of all the cynicism and harshness that have increased over the last few years, what would it look like for the people of Crossroads to lead out with intentional acts of kindness in our community? Not random, warm and fluffy kindness. Not "good vibes" or "thoughts & prayers". But deep down in your gut, fruit of the Spirit fierce kindness that shows the power of God’s love in a broken world.
If every person at Crossroads makes an intentional act of kindness each day over these 40 days, it will sow roughly 70,000 opportunities for the Holy Spirit to work! We believe this will change our community and bring about eternal impact.
2 ways
to watch the daily Youtube devos:
Plan your Kindness Challenge
What is a Kindness Challenge?
Okay, full disclosure, we **might** have just invented this term out of thin air. But the idea is to equip each person at Crossroads for planning out their week of daily, intentional acts of kindness over 40 days.
You can save or print out the weekly PDFs. Each one has 10 starter ideas that you can fill in for the days of your week. You can also write in ideas of your own as they come to you!
The important thing is to develop the practice of being intentional and consistent. We're building kindness muscles here! Let's see what God might do over the next 40 days as we become fierce in our kindness!